Jason Holman
Senior Chris Oh reads about The Hawkeye for the first time at the UHS Club Fair on September 5.
Club season is here, and it’s time to make that vital decision. If you’re looking for another club, join the UHS Hawkeye Newspaper Club!
The club will meet after school, so there’s no need to worry about it taking a space away from your other clubs. These after school meetings will be held twice a month by Mrs. Miske in room C212 and will only consist of small 40 minute meetings. Doesn’t sound like too much of a commitment now, does it?
Not only will it not be a major commitment, it will also be incredibly fun! Writing for the Hawkeye, according to Journalism teacher Mrs. Diggs, is all about “student autonomy”. She says that in the class and in the club, “The [students] really get to take [the class] on their own, I’m just there to help facilitate it.”
This autonomy and independence stands as one of the central pillars of both the club and the class. Club leader Jeffries (Class of 2026) explains the club, saying students will, “Write articles about things [going on] in UHS or things [that] they are passionate about that others at UHS will care about.”
Additionally, students will get the chance to attend school events that they never would have gone to otherwise. However, it goes beyond just reporting. Through the paper’s opinion and entertainment column there is space open for students to write about practically anything that they care about. As long as it is something they can convince other students to become interested as well.
Another core of the club will be collaboration, which is a large aspect of journalism. One of Jeffries main goals with the club will be, “To form a community with it, so [that] everyone can have friends [in the club].”
This goal and idea have been supported by Diggs as she elaborated stating, “It’s cool [for students] to have a team and that community aspect we have at the Hawkeye.”
While students will have the ability to write their articles individually or in pairs, students will be working together in groups as well. These groups will work together to brain storm ideas, take photos, and to help each other through peer review.
The final main pillar of the club is self-improvement, as the club advisor, Mrs. Miske, explains, “[If you are thinking about joining the Hawkeye] don’t be scared. All are welcome, it doesn’t matter in terms of writing ability because we can work on that.”
A lot of emphasis in the club will be placed on the editing process and improving the ability of reporters to communicate. Each month reporters will brainstorm as a club what stories they want to focus on for the month. Then the next meeting focus on editing the articles they have written. Through peer review students will ensure that the quality of the Hawkeye is upheld.
Joining the Hawkeye is something that will really benefit you long term as well. Diggs explained that through the club, “[Students] become better writers and communicate information better.”
Miske continued this thought explaining that, “You will not find a job that does not involve writing and not involving talking.” Something that they don’t mention is that writing for the school newspaper looks great on college applications, as well.
So, what are you waiting for? On the club sign-up website be sure to put down the Hawkeye newspaper club.
It really is that simple.
Click Here to add The Hawkeye to your club list!