Sorry hipsters, your secrets are about to be exposed. You may not realize it, but all it takes is a quick search on the interwebs to find out that there is a vast ocean of musicians that have yet to get the recognition they deserve. They are not celebrities; they are just normal people like you and me coming from all sorts of different backgrounds. Their music can range anywhere from Indie Folk to Hard Rock. Musicians work really hard balancing their everyday lives with their passion, and it doesn’t work out too often. That’s why in this issue we recognize 5 music groups who that should definitely check out.
The American Dollar is an Ambient, Post-Rock band from Queens, New York. It is also s the official currency of the United States, but that’s beside the point. Formed in 2005, The American Dollar makes beautiful instrumental music (no lyrics) based off of heavily reverberated string instruments that often build up to a crescendo of crashing drums and guitar. Their music goes great as background music for relaxing or as motivational music, because of the build ups. You can check them out on their website, or on Pandora.
Moon Taxi is a five piece progressive rock band from Nashville. As an indie rock group, they don’t need to make cookie cutter music to appeal to a crowd. Their music is creative, and a blast to listen to. Morocco, and Nashvillian Amazon are two great tracks to check out if you are interested in hearing these guys.
For you Trap fans, RacecarBed is a two man DJ group (Bagel & Donut) from Baltimore that has opened for many large Electronic names such as Diplo and Bro Safari. The two make dank beats using solely synthesizers and mixers. Their music is easy to dance to, making it perfect for whatever party you may be throwing or attending. Check them out on Twitter or Soundcloud.
On the other end of music away from electronic, there is Andrew Jackson Jihad. They are a bigger, but still obscure Folk-Punk group from Arizona. Their music is pure and raw, relying on the emotion in the singer’s voice to set the tone of their songs. What’s great about their music is the simplicity. The songs aren’t crowded by so much unnecessary sounds and sampling that you hear often in radio songs. AJJ has their own website, as well as a twitter.
Lastly, Fiction Plane is an amazing alternative rock band from England. Listeners may recognize the lead singer as the son of Sting, from the Police. Fiction Planes music has great rhythm and melodies, and the vocals are pretty incredible. Their song Two Sisters is a great example of the lead singer’s talent as well as the band’s high energy vibe. Fiction plane is on last.fm and ITunes.