Will Mcleod
Lacrosse players ( left to right) Wyatt Bryne, Will Mcleod, Brandon Sybrant, Aidan Himes are ready for class!
Urbana Lacrosse is always preparing for the season ahead. One of the ways students prepare is through the teams sports lacrosse class.
Throughout first semester 4th block, the team sports lacrosse class goes outside to practice.
The teacher, Coach Donahue, discussed what students get most from the class, saying, “It begins to build team chemistry and culture within the program and skill development for the team.”
One of the students, Brandon Sybrant, discussed further what his favorite activities in the class were. He said, “On Fridays we do handball and that’s really fun playing handball with the fellas”.
While the lacrosse team is developing their skills and working hard every day to get better, they still know how to have some fun!