Picture of Mrs. Willett’s classroom in the F-Wing at F131
ATTENTION ALL ART STUDENTS! Are you interested in more of a challenge than the classes currently offered at UHS? Or are you interested in a more fast paced environment to really challenge your artistic prowess? Wanting to get the experience of the college art world without having to commit a year to AP Studio Art? Good news! Coming to the F-Wing next year are two brand new dual enrollment classes! Drawing 1 and Introduction to Studio Art 1, both taught by Mrs. Willett.
Dual Enrollment;
For students who may be unfamiliar or who have never taken a dual enrollment class before, they are college level courses offered at the highschool level. This differs from AP classes because instead of being standardized at a national level they come from a partnership between the high school and a local community college. At UHS our courses are partnered with Frederick Community College, therefore they are FCC classes.
Furthermore dual enrollment classes differ from AP in that they are even more fast paced. They are run on a college schedule, meaning that classes are only held twice a week, either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Additionally completing a dual enrollment course automatically offers you college credit without having to take an exam. Dual Enrollment credits are accepted at almost 3,000 colleges across the United States and 39 in Maryland. You can check if your college might accept dual enrollment credits by checking Univstats.com.
Drawing 1 and Introduction to Studio Art 1 mark a significant step in the future of dual enrollment at UHS. These classes are the first dual enrollment classes to be offered in the F-wing. Previously FCC courses were only for classes in STEM or English, but now they’ve been brought to the F-Wing as well! Chris Oh (11), a student currently in AP Studio Art and who has been asked to promote the FCC courses had this to say, “ [Drawing 1 & Intro to Studio Art 1] gives light to artists… [they] give me some sort of comfort [that UHS] gives us courses like this to show off our skills.”
What are Drawing 1 & Introduction to Studio Art 1;
Both classes are going to be taught in the F-Wing by Mrs. Willett in room F131, and both are worth 3 college credits when completed. Mrs. Willett described both as very fast paced classes that will teach students a lot in a short amount of time.
The Drawing 1 course will be done primarily in black and white, using graphite and charcoal for more traditional drawing. It will focus on honing students observation skills and rendering ability. Drawing 1 will focus a lot on still life drawing, instead of drawing from photographs or magazines. “[Drawing 1] kind of forces you to [draw from life] and as you do that you refine your skills and it enhances your hand eye coordination.”, Mrs. Willett.
Introduction to Studio Art 1 is a similar course to AP Studio Art but at a faster pace. It will include multimedia opposed to drawing 1’s graphite and charcoal. It will teach students design concepts such as composition, balance, and the principles of drawing. “The FCC drawing class is definitely better for people who like a bit more of a traditional style. [Introduction to Studio Art 1] is the one I’m taking personally and [has] more experimentative skills.” Chris Oh (11).
An Experiment;
It’s always an experiment for schools and teachers to introduce new courses to the classrooms. Teacher’s never know what students will like or apply for. This remains true for dual enrollment courses too. Drawing 1 and Intro to Studio Art 1 have been running for years at the college level but never before for high schoolers at UHS.
Mrs. Willett explained that both courses previously had been run at Walkersville High School from 2022-2023 and again this and next school year. This is the motivation behind why they’ve been brought to UHS. After running smoothly at Walkersville, Mrs. Willett wants to give UHS students the opportunity for these courses.
She stated she’s always enjoyed teaching upper level classes, after previously teaching adult ceramics and figure courses outside of UHS, and currently AP Studio Art at UHS. “I really look forward to seeing students growth,” She says, “I like working with students who are ambitious.”
These courses are very important for art students here at UHS who at times have felt disappointed with the amount of classes offered. Chris Oh (11) explains it this way, “I’m really excited because [UHS Art Courses] do just end at junior year with drawing & painting courses, [but] now you extend it with FCC classes.”
Dual enrollment offers new opportunities for UHS art students to demonstrate their aptitude for when they go to college, giving them a more solid foundation of knowledge than before. For any current art students at UHS or potential art students FCC will offer a rigorous course that will give you a strong artistic foundation for college level art.
“I’m excited and would love to have students to enroll in [either dual enrollment course] … if you’re unsure come talk to me.” Mrs. Willett says. You can find her in the F Wing at F131 and contact her through schoology or email at AmeliaWillett@fcps.org, and to have your schedule switched for next year if you’re interested in signing up contact your counselor over email!