Mr. Sclar Says Goodbye as Retirement Draws Near
January 24, 2018
This upcoming semester Urbana will be losing one of it’s assistant principal’s, Mr. Sclar. In early December, Mr Sclar informed faculty that he would be leaving for retirement at the end of January. Although you may see him in the hallway or at lunch perhaps you don’t know Mr. Sclar that well.
Mr. Sclar is a native Marylander like most of us. In 1969, his senior year, a family friend of Sclar’s who was a professor recommended that he go into the educational field. Sclar thought, “What a great way to spend your day, being around kids. And, looking back, I think I was right.”
After making his decision to pursue a teaching career, he attended Frederick Community College for two years. After that, he headed to College Park to receive a major in Elementary Education. And lastly he went to Hood College to receive his master’s in Special Education. At that time Sclar never saw administration in his future.
After college, even with his tremendous educational background, he decided to be a cabinet maker for a little while. Next, he worked at a state mental hospital, where he taught job skills to the patients there.
It was after that job that Sclar began working at schools. He first went to Thomas Johnson Junior High School and worked as a special education teacher. After three years, Monocacy Middle School opened its doors and Mr. Sclar was hired as a Special Education teacher on the first staff list.
It was after that, in 1982, when Sclar decided he wanted to see “what the world had to offer.” So in search of that, he became a radio announcer in Gettysburg. He enjoyed “listening to music all day and getting paid for it.”
After a year or so he went back into education. He taught at several private schools as well as at Heather Ridge, where he worked from 1991 to 1999. He also worked at the Special Education Central Office where he assisted all high school special education teachers and provided training and support. After that he taught in Howard County.
It was after that, in 2006, when he moved into an administrative position. “I was ready for it and it was a good move for me,” said Sclar. Unlike being a teacher, an administrator, has a 12-month job. Mr. Sclar’s kids had all left home and he felt like he now had the commitment required for an administrative position. With the perfect timing he took the opportunity. And so after receiving the training he became part of the administration staff at Brunswick High School.
It was after Brunswick that Sclar came here to Urbana. When he arrived the “attitude of success” of the students, staff, and families surprised him. He said that it was a “refreshing” thing to find and it continues to be. Mr. Sclar has been here at Urbana for five and a half years. Through that time he has been able to experience the changes in education such as the Bring Your Own Device program and the new “no hats” rule.
As an assistant principal, Mr.Sclar has many different roles. Foremost they make sure that student’s are in in a good learning environment. They also work with the community to get their support in decisions. Lastly, assistant principals are in charge of discipline. Sclar said “I believe we are proactive and this keeps discipline problems to a minimum. Sclar believes this is because staff develops relationships and because of Urbana’s “proactive” mindset.
When asked what he has enjoyed about being an assistant principal, his reply was one word: kids. Sclar enjoys being with kids all day. He feels it has “kept [him] young, it has kept [his] attitude young.”
Sclar’s last day on the job is January 31st. After that Mr. Franceschina will be taking his position and he will begin retirement. Mr.Sclar’s first thing on his list of things to do is relax. Sclar said, “I plan on reading and watching movies I have never seen.” Sclar currently plays tennis once a week but after retirement, he hopes to spend more time at the tennis court.
When it comes to spending time with others, his granddaughters are what first comes to mind. He hopes to head up to Pittsburg and spend more time with them. “Most of my friends are retired so I also want to spend more time with them”, said Sclar.
And if you have been to the talent show or saw the Urbana’s production Grease from last year, then you may recall Mr.Sclar as a musician. For the 2017 Urbana Talent Show, Mr. Sclar played his banjo and during Grease he showed us his guitar skills. During retirement, he plans on spending time “playing his banjo, guitar, and doing all the musical things [he] likes to do.”
If it’s one thing that Mr. Sclar will miss from his job it’s the people around him. Sclar commented, “It’s always the people that… (To read the rest of the story, pick up a copy of The Hawkeye from the newsstands)