Hopes for 2018
January 26, 2018
Everytime New Year rolls around, it fosters new hopes and goals for self improvement to make the next year better than the last. Many people set these goals at the beginning of the new year for a fresh start—clean slate if you will.
To find out what some people had as hopes for 2018, students were interviewed. Here are their responses:
Brian Terrebonne: My hopes for 2018 is for it to be better than 2017, to improve in school, and do more extracurriculars.
Cassie McQuay: I want to get better at studying and to become more environmentally friendly.
Karley McQuay: I want to have a better sleep schedule.
Garrett Gordon: I want to do more for the community.
(To read the rest of this story, pick up a copy of The Hawkeye from the newsstand near the front office or the media center)