Pursuing Senior Quotes
November 12, 2015

Senior Olivia Madaras, who is in yearbook advisor Jeff Bohlander’s third block yearbook class, has wanted the opportunity to write a senior quote ever since she was a freshman at Good Counsel High School. Madaras has been petitioning for seniors to be able to write a quote for about 2 weeks now; the quote will go directly below the senior picture in the yearbook.
“[Petitioning] is fun because you always get to see people’s different reactions to what you’re doing. Some people are very supportive, and it makes me feel like I am standing for a good cause,” Madaras said.
Although there are many students willing to sign Madaras’ petition, there have been a few people who deny her request. “There were a few rejections and the majority of those rejections were mainly ones who did not understand the petition,” Madaras said.
Everyone is eligible to sign the petition. “Anyone can sign it. Anyone who believes that seniors at Urbana High School should have senior quotes can sign it,” Madaras said.
Madaras has a grade column on the petition to show that not just seniors want them, but underclassman as well. “In four years’ time freshman will want to have the opportunity to leave their mark on Urbana, a school they’ve only been enrolled in for less than a quarter now,” Madaras said.
Madaras believes that seniors should be creative with their quotes, “I thought they’d be funny. I really think senior quotes give the students an opportunity to leave their mark on the school. As a transfer, I remember doing them at my old school. Both my brothers had a chance to do a senior quote and I remember them being very excited and exuberant about it,” Madaras said.
“I was hoping at least maybe half of the student body [would sign the petition], but obviously if there are more people wanting to sign after that, I am not going to cut it off,” Madaras said.
Students have the power to say anything in their senior quote. Students have the power to say anything? This could be a downfall on Madaras’ plan, but there is a way to prevent anything inappropriate entering our yearbooks.
“They have to be approved; it’s always going to be reviewed by someone. I strictly believe in the three strikes you’re out policy. If someone continues to turn in a senior quote that seems inappropriate to the yearbook staff, it will be dealt with the same way as would someone who didn’t turn in a quote or who didn’t want one, which would have the same school motto ‘One team one Urbana’,” Madaras said.