Plugged-In Follow Up

Guin Schipper, Features Editor

The program “Plugged In” took place on November 29, 2017 at 7 pm. This program was geared towards high school, middle school, and elementary school students and parents. The Parent Student Association and the YMCA sponsored this program. It was put together by the administrative staff and presented by Theresa Hiegel and Resource Officer Lisa smith, both from the Frederick County Sheriff’s Department. At this event a door prize for a three month YMCA membership was raffled off.

Plugged In answers questions for parents about online citizenship. It is meant to catch parents up on what happens online and how parents can prevent their children from getting into trouble. They went over acronyms that parents may not be familiar with such as FYEO (for your eyes only). It also informed parents on what geotagging is and how to turn it off. Geotagging is when a person’s device can track where they are and share it. To turn this off, it can be found in the privacy location setting of a smartphone. (To read the rest of this story, pick up a copy of the December issue of the Hawkeye.)