Class of 2020 Stay Strong!: Photo Of The Day 4/28/20

Zachary Muragaki

We may not have our in-person graduation. We may not have our senior prom. We may not even be able to go to our select college campus in the fall right away. But that cannot define us. We are the Urbana High School class of 2020.

We have lost a lot these past few weeks, some of us more than others. I ask you to look inside yourselves, fellow seniors. We have made it through four years of high school: every test we passed, every late night study session we worked through, every lecture We’ve listened to. Will we let that be overshadowed by this pandemic? Or will we stand up and make sure that we end this school year strong?

Don’t focus on the negative. Look at the past and see what you have done to make it this far. You will look back at this moment in a few years and say you didn’t just survive this. No, you overcame it!


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