Originally Written: Dec. 20 2024
First Appeared: Volume 22 Issue 1, published Jan. 13 2025
Last Updated: Jan. 15, 2025
Do you want to learn more about college and career choices? Looking for colleges and streamlining your career path can be a daunting task. Thankfully, Mrs Chubb, the career counselor at UHS, is here to help.
Chubb was born in Washington, DC, and grew up in western New York. Being interested in attending an HBCU she studied psychology at Morgan State University, and later, she studied physiology at Towson University. After graduating, she attended Johns Hopkins University to become a special education teacher.
In addition to teaching, Mrs. Chubb has her own business and works as a life coach. But she says that, “This is my dream job”. Once she saw this job open up she knew it was her calling. She loves helping young people and creating opportunities for students.
She is also willing to meet with students to discuss career interests. Education has always been her passion since she loves working with young people.
Overall Mrs. Chubb is a great resource for you. She’s always open to meeting with students one-on-one and even takes them on field trips. In fact she recently took a few students on a field trip to an aviation expo in Hagerstown . If you want to talk or get advice, feel free to send her an email!
You can send her a schoology message at [email protected] !