Here Are Some Ideas on Ways to Pass the Time While Stuck at Home: Photo of the Day 04/15/20

Olivia Rogers

Personally, I have not noticed much of a change in my life since social isolation and self quarantine practices began. I am an introvert and a homebody so I do not venture out that much anyways. I do however begin to go stir crazy when I am confined in the house with my family for long periods of time. So to help eliminate your boredom, here are some things that you can do at home to pass the time.


Exercise: Whether it is going for walks outside or doing workouts in your bedroom, exercise is a good way to relieve stress and boost your body’s immune system. 


Cooking and Baking: While stuck at home, try and create a new dish by experimenting with the foods that you have in your house. There are plenty of free recipes online that you can follow. 


Learn a new skill: Now is the time to try that thing that you have always wanted to do but have never had the time for. You could learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, or practice your arts and crafts skills.


Watch movies and television: Many channels and subscription services are adding new shows or offering discounts. Now is a great time to binge watch shows or catch up on movies that you have not had time to before. 


Play a Board Game: Puzzles and board games are ways to give your eyes a break from the screen while still having fun. 


Personally, I have been spending a lot of time outside because I enjoy the fresh air. I have also been doing a lot of cooking and baking for my family. I haven’t had the opportunity to yet, but I am planning on learning Italian while I am stuck in the house. 


Remember even though things are uncertain, if we practice the guidelines advised by health care professionals, we will stop the spread of COVID-19 and be able to hang out with one another and go places again.