Urbaniac Season Begins
November 12, 2015

With the first game under their belts all indications are that the brand new Urbaniacs have a very loud and promising season in front of them.
If you don’t usually make it out to the Friday night football games, the Urbaniacs are a group of senior guys that lead the student sections chants and decide how the student section will dress for that game. Alongside the Urbaniacs are the Hawkettes the girl group of seniors for the section whose main goal is to be as loud as possible.
“I knew we had to be serious about it when he [Coach Mac] confronted us because we wanted the football team to have as good a student section that we could provide for them” Said senior Logan Haggerty. Haggerty’s expectation of the student section was to be as loud as possible, but also “to lead our team to as many victories as possible.”
Senior Urbaniac Jason Lucia said, “To be honest I think we basically have the potential to be the best ever and I don’t plan on anyone being better than us in the county. We are going to rule!”
Being an Urbaniac is a long time tradition for seniors in this school, and it’s widely appreciated by everyone connected to them. Coach Mac is always enthusiastic about what they cheer about and what type of outing they will have for each game.
Before every game starts, one urbaniac leads the “I Believe” chant. This year it is being led by Cody Kastner. “It was thrilling to lead it and it was literally the best moment of my life,” he said.
One problem for the Urbaniacs is that freshmen don’t like to cheer very much. After asking Haggerty what he would do to try to fix this constant problem he said, “I will literally walk up to the top of the bleachers and stand next to them the whole entire game until they decide that they want to cheer for their football team.” They really are serious about fixing this problem because when everyone cheers it is louder more enthusiastic and gets the players pumped to win the game.
All together the Urbaniacs of 2016 are very excited to help the football team to be as successful as possible and to lead the best student section to come through Urbana.