Sports Spotlight: Urbana Ice Hockey Claims MVHL Trophy

Urbana varsity ice hockey with the MVHL Cup
April 17, 2023
It’s a Friday night, and Urbana’s ice hockey team is celebrating in the locker room after defeating Oakdale in the Monocacy Valley Hockey League (MVHL) Conference Championship.
On February 10th, Urbana defeated Oakdale 4-2 at Skate Frederick, claiming the Monocacy Cup. Several members of the team stated that this win will be a moment they’ll never forget.
Freshman RJ Radtke was confident going into this game because he had expected his team to have made it this far since the very beginning of the season. RJ stated, “Nobody was super tense or nervous because we all knew that we could beat them, because we have beat them before.”
Urbana’s goalie, Ethan Truszkowski, would describe his team as diverse because there is “such a mix of different personalities,” Ethan has been playing the sport for around ten years, and his performance during the Friday night game was valued.
The best advice Ethan could give to anyone who wants to play hockey is that “You have to stick with it because there is a big learning curve in hockey, and it will take a few seasons to get good.”
Brynn Gorman is a freshman JV player who had attended the conference championship game. She described the game as “Intense and fast-paced, with an energetic crowd,” and after Urbana won, “the team was really loud and screaming, they were excited, too.”
After wrapping up their great season, Urbana’s ice hockey team was eager and ready to take on states next.