ConGRADUATIONs UHS Class of 2019!

Graduating seniors at the ceremony

Hannah Wallace, Reporter

For most of us, the end of the school year isn’t a big deal; we’ll have fun over the summer but be back in the fall to start the next school year. For seniors, however, the end of the school year is the end of an era. After eighteen years of living at home and thirteen years of going to school, many of them are moving onto college, work, and new endeavors. Throughout their time in school, they have made tremendous accomplishments that will help them in the years to come. Families and friends helped celebrate these accomplishments at the Urbana High School Class of 2019 graduation ceremony last night at Mount Saint Mary’s University.

The ceremony began with the National Anthem, sang by Elizabeth Pillai, then speeches from Principal David Kehne and FCPS Superintendent Dr. Theresa Alban. In his speech, Principal Kehne congratulated the entire senior class for receiving their diplomas and was incredibly proud of the 2019 class for being the first to graduate from UHS as a Blue Ribbon school. Dr. Alban’s speech encouraged students and reminded them that they can change the world, including several quotes from seniors previously interviewed. Van Holson said that he wanted America’s political climate to be one of compromise and listening. Jose Abarca said that he hopes that there is less discrimination in the future and wants to change the way our nation views law enforcement.

Following Dr. Alban, graduating senior Camila Montano gave the first student speech. She reflected on the past by thanking her peers and her teachers for a memorable four years and looked towards the future by encouraging her fellow graduates to become successful in whatever they do. The second student speaker, Tyler Kendall, reminisced about his time at UHS, including his first day as a freshman in Mr. Ayerdiz’s classroom when he knew that high school would be better than he expected. He was also excited for the future and reminded his classmates to remember the little moments and look back on high school fondly.

UHS combined choirs

Throughout the night, musical performances were provided by the UHS band and choir. The band– led by director Michael Harrison and student conductor Ben Markell– played “Remember Me”, “Procession of the Nobles”, and “The Thunderer”. The choir– led by director Alicia Cosby– performed “This is the Moment”.

The real highlight of the evening was the presentation of diplomas as the graduates walked across the stage. Every senior received a diploma, but there were even more accomplishments to be recognized. Principal Kehne gave special recognition to students who plan on serving in the military after high school. Additionally, the senior class was filled with students receiving recognition for honors, high honors, and highest honors, CTC completion, Maryland Scholar, and National Honors Society membership. The International Baccalaureate program at Urbana High School also recognized students receiving IB diplomas. Students showcased their achievements with a variety of cords, pins, and stoles.

Congratulations UHS Class of 2019!