Social Media Bans

May 8, 2023
In the modern age, almost every single person has at least one social media platform. A statistic that always shocks me to this day is one done by “Our World in Data” and it states, “The percentage of US adults who use social media increased from 5% in 2005 to 79% in 2019.” (OWID). With clear statistics and data to back up this rapid increase in social media usage, what are the benefits and negatives that come alongside it? First, some of the benefits that are included with social media are reduced isolation, access to like-minded individuals, a sense of belonging and connection to communities and famous figures and many more. However, when looking at the negatives, they are similar to the benefits in the way that they are double edged swords. For example, an increase in reduced isolation may pertain to some while creating a further disconnection from reality and society for others. The negatives are much more detrimental than the positives while discussing social media platforms, so one questions why they aren’t banned in the first place? In recent years, Republican senator, Josh Hawley of Missouri, introduced the first proposed banning of TikTok in the United States. Many people online and on platforms such as TikTok mocked and never imagined a reality where TikTok was actually banned, but with unexpected bipartisan support regarding the popular social media platform, users are beginning to worry. Social media stocks skyrocketed after the proposed banning of TikTok in the United States and in other countries in the world such as Australia and Estonia, creating hype for platforms such as Meta and Instagram. Higher ups working for these popular social media platforms seem to be relaxed and appreciating the financial gains from TikToks proposed banning, but should they really be sitting cozy? If TikTok banning in the U.S. is followed through with, this would only create a precedent for future social media platforms and bannings inside of the U.S. One strange thing to note that I touched on earlier was the bipartisan support regarding the banning of TikTok. In a time where our nation has never been so divided politically and ideologically, the support from both Democrats and Republicans seems to have some merit to the detriment of TikTok and the harmful effects on the youth of the United States.