The Key to Enjoying Life Not Just Living

Picture from Pinterest, In the ocean living free.

Picture from Pinterest, In the ocean living free.

Corrine Capino, Reporter

We all live life on a repeating cycle: Wake up, go to work or school, sleep, and do it again. It’s like going on a carousel that you are unable to get off of. Days and weeks can seem to blend together and daily tasks and responsibilities can leave us feeling extremely stressed out and overwhelmed. By breaking the cycle and simplifying our lives is what could give us that sense of freedom.
Studies report that being overly busy and feeling exhausted can lead to a high increase in stress levels which could then trigger more serious mental health disorders such as depression, substance abuse disorders, etc. Managing your daily routine could be the solution as senior Eli Zhou comments, “We should eliminate wasting our time, we spend hours scrolling through apps such as TikTok and Youtube and with that time we could be doing something more productive that gives us the same sense of happiness.” Humans are notorious for wasting time, we tend to get lost on the internet and spend hours doing nothing, the value of time is underestimated as it slips away from us. While you might think that wasting your time gives you happiness it can completely hinder productivity, personal growth, etc. To simplify our lives we can try to get rid of extracurriculars or obligations we might not enjoy, friendships that negatively impact us, and wasting time. Simplifying our lives eliminates distractions, eliminates stress and unwanted sadness, and even gives us more time to focus on our more meaningful connections and doing the things we enjoy.
For some though keeping busy is preferred as sophomore Gabriela Pabon remarks, “Keeping busy is the only way I’m able to stay sane.” While staying busy is important it can be detrimental to our well-being. When we have no down time to recharge and rest we face burnout and when so busy we can neglect relationships around us and activities that we do enjoy. Although someone might enjoy being busy freshman Kat Liebergot says, “It’s good to not overwork yourself but it’s good to be busy with the things you like, not the things that make you stressed” this could also be a solution as long as you have down time mixed in with that. Hangout with friends, make time for a hobby, or do something you enjoy. Stop overworking yourself, enjoy life, don’t just live it.

“If You’re Always Over-Scheduled, Find out Why You Need to Slow Down.” Verywell Mind,
Pinterest Inc. Pinterest. Accessed 24 Apr. 2023.