College Application Advice

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Francesca Testen, In-Focus Editor, Cartoonist

While many people celebrate the holiday season by decorating their homes, baking holiday desserts, and spending time with family and friends, high school seniors are busy applying to colleges and universities.
This is a time of great stress and high expectations for many students, but one that can be managed with help from family, friends, and teachers.

Writing a college essay and filling out an application is often a tedious and challenging
task. Essays can ask personal questions that require a great deal of thought, which is why some students will hesitate writing until closer to the deadline. Spanish teacher Mr. Kavanaugh said, “The best thing you could do when writing an essay is to do it early. If you get it done, there will be less stress and more time to ask teachers to help you edit.”

Some of the most common complaints about college essays are that the questions given can be vague and hard to answer. A common type of college essay prompt asks students to relate a time they had a life-changing
experience. Many students do not feel as though they have enough life experience to fulfill this requirement that universities are looking for in prospective students.

(To read the rest of this story, pick up a copy of the December issue of The Hawkeye from the stands located outside the main office or the library.)