A Single Student’s Guide to Surviving Prom

Niki Dashtban, Reporter

We all know the feeling too well: getting excited for prom, then thinking that you’re going to the dance alone. Well don’t you worry, because this article will guide you through the stress of being single during prom.

Getting Ready:

Everyone likes to feel pretty and glamorous for prom. Getting your nails and hair done, putting on makeup, choosing your dress–all of them add up to the fun prom experience. Getting ready with your best friends makes it so much more fun.


Taking lots of pictures:

One of the best parts of prom is the photo shoot with your best friends. Spending half an hour taking silly photos with your friends because you’re laughing too hard is definitely one of greatest parts of prom.


Knowing that prom is about being with your best friends:

Prom isn’t about having an amazing date. It’s about having fun, and everyone knows that being with your friends, laughing, singing, and dancing, is as fun as it gets. Hang out with your friends, have fun dressing up together, then dance like fools on the dance floor.


The Food:

Hey, if you really don’t feel comfortable dancing, you can always spend time stuffing your face with food. If you’re lucky, the food will be amazing. If you’re not…well, everyone likes free food.

Going to prom without a date may seem intimidating, but there are already so many people who are in the same position–going with their friends instead of with dates. There are so many fun things you can do without a date. Don’t worry about it becoming the perfect night.