Drones At The Beach

Drone at a beach in Australia. Photo Courtesy of BBC News.

Maria Reyes, Assistant Managing Editor, Opinions Editor, Web Editor

No one can deny that technology is improving and changing lives here on Earth. In Australia’s beaches, drones are changing how safety works.

The New South Wales State in Australia has invested around 350,000 dollars in drone technology. Their investment fueled for the drones to be stationed and trained at beaches on the coast. Some of the drones are trained to spot sharks while others are designed for rescue.

The training and investment paid off on Jan. 18, 2018. That Thursday, two teenagers, ages of 15 and 17, were seen struggling in 10-foot waves at Lennox Head beach. A lifeguard reacted and sent out a drone to the teenagers. The drone dropped a flotation device and the struggling teenagers were able to safely swim back to shore.

The rescue was a success, especially when considering it took 70 seconds to reach the teenagers. Government officials confirmed the time and also added that it normally takes lifeguards six minutes to reach swimmers from that distance.

The lifeguard that was controlling the drone at that time was Jai Sheridan. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, Sheridan called the drone an “amazingly efficient piece of lifesaving equipment and a delight to fly.” Another important thing to note is that this was the first time a drone was used to rescue swimmers, and it was a success.

Last month, results from other drones in Australia have also proven successful. Shark attacks have increased in Australia, making shark sightings...(To read the rest of this story, pick up a copy of The Hawkeye at newsstands at the media center or office)