Does musical training make you more successful?

Image of sheet music

Celeste Allanach

Ever wonder if musically trained people are more successful? 

Students find their interests as they navigate school. Some choose to play a sport while others involve themselves in choir or band. Some students even participate in a wide range of activities while balancing their school work as well. However, it can be said that if a person even has a little bit of musical training, they are one step closer to success. Are the students who involve themselves in musical activities more successful?

According to a study done by Professor Peter Gouzaouasis, at the University of British Columbia, “Students who learned to play a musical instrument in elementary and continued playing in high school not only score significantly higher but were about one academic year ahead of their non-music peers with regard to their English, mathematics and science skills.” But how does music help in these regards? 

To be musically inclined, you must have not only listening skills, but team building skills, especially when it comes to playing with an ensemble. Everyone in that group must work together to create beautiful music. According to Professor Martin Guhn, also at the University of British Columbia, “All those learning experiences, and more, play a role in enhancing the learner’s cognitive capacities, executive functions, motivation to learn in school, and self-efficiency.”  What else can music help with?

Junior, Page Stapleton can read music and play the guitar, piano, violin, cello, viola, ukulele, and flute. She commented, “It’s always helped me listen and memorize. It’s given me an ear for patterns and all that.” So not only can music help a student’s listening skills, but also the act of memorization. Musicians sometimes have the sheet music in front of them, however, they must memorize how to play or sing the note correctly. The memorization also brings the music to life.  Students must memorize for certain subjects in school, so a bit of musical training can help with the practice of memorization.

An ear for music can also aid with issues other than school work. School can cause a lot of stress on students, but music can help with mental health. Sophomore, Ella Allen states that “learning music has definitely helped with anxiety and mood. I’m a lot more attentive to music than I was before.” 

People who are musically trained seem to not only be more successful at academics, but also successful in mental skills and mental health. Music can help students memorize things easily and also brighten their day. Even being a little musically trained can help. Students don’t have to go so far as to learn an instrument to be successful. They can always pick up the sheet music to one of their favorite songs and see how the music comes to life. A little musical training can help a student be successful in the future.