Black Friday 2021 – what to know beforehand! 

Dunja Senic, Reporter

Black Friday is approaching fast! Here’s what you can expect to see when shopping for great deals! 


Black Friday takes place on November 26. The day after Thanksgiving! Black Friday can be a great time to go out shopping for any category of items you can imagine. “I expect to see deals on electronics, clothes, and Christmas gifts,” says Misree Saini (10). So many stores participate and have huge discounts and sales! 


Black Friday can be great for finding holiday gifts for much cheaper prices. You can find so many options for different age ranges. Lot’s of toys for younger kids, house decorations and supplies for adults, makeup, clothing, shoes, candy.. you name it! 


What comes to mind when you first think of Black Friday? Many students say that the first thing they think of is the families running into stores and rummaging through everything, looking for the best deals possible. 

When asked for her thoughts on Black Friday, Roshna Vijayan (10) claimed she is “a Black Friday enthusiast and analyst!” Some stores she likes to shop at for Black Friday include “H&M, mall stores.. Pacsun, TJ Maxx for their leggings and I love Target for EVERYTHING!” Because she is a “growing teen!” Roshna expects to buy a lot of clothing this year during Black Friday as well as things to add on to her room.

Some other stores students mentioned for Black Friday shopping were Hollister, Barnes and Nobles, American Eagle, and Bath and Body Works. 


Black Friday only comes around once a year so many families and shoppers get very excited for the yearly event! When asked if she thinks Black Friday is worth waiting for, Vijayan’s response was, “Yes, I do because that’s the best time of sales.” 


“For a lot of lower income families, it  (Black Friday) is a big time for them to get a lot of clothing for the year because they can buy a huge amount and they aren’t gonna pay that much,” says Roshna Vijayan. 


Last year, Black Friday was treated very differently than years in the past. Black Friday 2020 was the first one since the global pandemic had started. Many stores did not offer the traditional sales in person and some were even closed that day. Instead, many stores provided online sales that lasted for weeks before the actual Black Friday date. 


“I think that Black Friday is a huge scam,’‘ argues Amanda Talbott (10). In 2019, more than 93 million people made a purchase during Black Friday (Adobe, NRF). Although so many people take part in the day of sales, some are opposed to it and think that the prices aren’t actually dropping to a discounted amount, the stores are just “taking prices and dropping them but it ends up being just the regular price it should be,” Talbott adds. She also believes that many stores do sales all year long and they are not much different from Black Friday sales so it isn’t really worth it. 


After Black Friday, there is also a Cyber Monday that takes place. This is essentially an online version of Black Friday. Lots of people have different opinions about the type of shopping they would rather do whether it’s in person, or online. “In store shopping can be fun but it feels safer at home especially with the pandemic going on,” says  Talbott. With the pandemic having been going on since March of last year, many people have grown accustomed to online shopping more and buying everything you need from the safety and comfort of your own home. 


Many people go shopping during Black Friday and are able to find items for much cheaper than the regular pricing. Since we are still experiencing a pandemic, we have yet to see how Black Friday will pan out this year but expect deals on many of the items you love and have fun shopping!