Urbana Softball Begins Season With Heavy Hearts

Lily Woodham, Reporter

It is nearly impossible to put into words the impact that Coach Jeremy Magers had on many young softball and baseball players in Frederick County, including myself. He was positive and encouraging, but also never went easy on anyone, always showing that he thought “his” players were capable of so much more than they believed. 

On January 11th, 2023, the community was faced with the devastating and sudden loss of Coach Jeremy at only 46 years old. 

Before becoming the coach we know and love today, Coach Jeremy was a catcher at Allegheny Community College and made an appearance in the JUCO World Series. He then played for the Brunswick Orioles before getting drafted by the Texas Rangers. After his baseball career ended, he became a captain firefighter, dedicating any time outside of that to softball and baseball. He started the In The Dirt Baseball organization, assisted coaching several travel softball teams, and also helped train athletes in the Special Olympics in Frederick. 

Urbana High School Softball was fortunate enough to call him their coach for one season and was looking forward to having him around for many more. Coach Aaron, an assistant coach at UHS, described Coach Jeremy’s dedication as unmatched. “He had the heart of a servant. Always putting others before himself and thrived on watching others succeed that he had coached.”

Maggie Hummer, a senior catcher at UHS remembered Coach Jeremy saying that he always “had a positive vibe and energy on the field and off the field and made everyone want to be there and keep going.”  She added that “he made everyone feel like daughters on the team.”

He was well respected and loved by everyone which has been shown tremendously especially in the past couple of weeks. “I have no doubt that every player he crossed paths with whether it be as a coach or a teammate or even just a parent spectator will be a better person for having known him,” assured Coach Nicole, an assistant coach at Urbana.

Following in her dad’s footsteps, Carleigh Magers, a junior on the Urbana softball team, has a love for the game and specifically catching. Ever since she was young, her dad has been right by her side, coaching her to be the best. They spent a lot of time together in the batting cage that was built in their garage, where he coached her along with many other players from the area. The hard work paid off as Carleigh was one of the strongest hitters for Urbana last season. Carleigh said “every time I would step into that batters box when he was coaching at first or third, he would tell me hands through the ball and to do my own thing.” It was a simple statement that any batter could relate to, but it always gave her a boost of confidence hearing it from her dad. 

Expectations for the 2023 UHS softball season are high as the team returns 8 out of 9 starting players in the lineup, all who play year round on competitive travel teams in the area.  Last year, the team lost in a close game against Catonsville in the state quarterfinals, but this year UHS softball has a good chance at going far in the state championship. None of the players anticipated the upcoming season without Coach Jeremy and it will be difficult for them to step on the field without him standing, cheering them on as the first base coach. 

“We are all going to have to dig deep and lean on one another for support and know that the absolute best way to get through it is to honor him every single day we step foot on the field or put on our glove or grab our bat.  He would not want us to shed so many tears for him, but play for him,” Coach Nicole expresses. Coach Jeremy was always proud of our smallest achievements and he would want us to go out and give it our all. 

This season and many seasons to come will be dedicated to Coach Jeremy. Coach Nicole tells us that she plans on having stickers made for helmets and bats in remembrance of him since he was many of the players batting coach. A banner is also in the making to be hung behind the backstop and a memorial game against Linganore High School is planned since he also had a huge impact on a large number of their players. 

Coach Jeremy has greatly impacted everyone on the team and his coaching and legacy will forever be with them. Every step on the field, including my own, will be made in his honor because we would not be the players we are today without his lasting impact. 

Head coach, Frank Husson, expresses, “the loss of Coach Jeremy will be felt far beyond the Urbana High School Softball Program as his passing impacts baseball and softball players at most Frederick County High Schools. We will miss his wit, wisdom and knowledge of the game however, we will miss his friendship more than anything else.”