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The Student News Site of Urbana High School


The Student News Site of Urbana High School


The Student News Site of Urbana High School


Jack Gill

Jack Gill is a senior student athlete at Urbana High School, as he plays football during the football season. He has been going hard both athletically and academically for the past 4 years. Academically his favorite class is AP Macroeconomics, as he loves learning about the logistics of how the economy gets affected by moves from these big corporations. Part of the reason he loves the class is that his favorite teacher Mr. Kachur is the one teaching it. He loves how organized he is, how laid back and chill his class is, while he also has a good sense of humor.

When asked about his favorite part of his time at UHS he stated that it was playing football. He said, “I just love the group feeling” when describing the feeling of being on the football team. Now his least favorite part of highschool was the time we were online. He believed that “there are some things you need to learn in person” and said that he fell behind in some of his classes due to the online environment. He said that if he were to become the principal of Urbana High School his first move would be to put his efforts more into athletics and the weight room. He would create activities like fundraisers to try and boost school spirit.

When talking about his future I asked if he could have any job in the world, what he would choose. He said that he would choose to be a sports analyst where he can talk about and go in depth on sports. When asked where he would see himself in the next 10 years, he said that he sees himself in a comfortable situation making a steady income.

All content by Jack Gill