Beat the Winter Blues With These Fun Activities

Carrick Nicholson

The holiday season is a time for people to be brought together.

With winter break coming up, it time to find out what you plan to do with your free time. Now most kids in our generation plan to just sit in front of the biggest TV they can find. What happened to the classic kid who played in the snow for a while and comes in for hot cocoa at the end of the day? I can tell you what has happened: It’s called Netflix. So many kids have to have some kind of technology within five feet of them. Whether it is an iPhone to an Xbox or even a television, it seems that all these great inventions that were made to connect people are actually pulling people apart. No need to worry though, we all have the classic kid who still plays in the snow within us.

For the people who can’t come up with things to do besides play Xbox all day, well here is some ideas.

Have a classic snowball fight: Think about it, get a good group of friends and divide into two teams. Then let the two teams to build fortifications for the upcoming battle. It’s simple really, all you have to do is build a wall of snow and throw snowballs at your friends. Also don’t treat a snowball fight as Team Death Match on Call of Duty, because there is no need to beam a kid in the face with a snowball for a hundred xp points.

Go sledding: Another simple alternative to boredom is to find a naturally constructed hill and a sled. Grab a couple of friends and have some races down the hill, or make a train of sleds and go down the hill. Also make sure that there is not a fence or a house at the bottom.

If you don’t feel like going out: You could invite some good friends over and have a good game of Monopoly. Or you could put on Netflix and watch some House of Cards.

If you want to make some money: You could pick up that snow shovel that is maybe used once a year and go clear peoples driveway for them. At the same time while doing this you’re making money and who doesn’t like money?