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The Student News Site of Urbana High School


The Student News Site of Urbana High School


The Student News Site of Urbana High School


Amanda Guettler

Amanda Guettler, Reporter

Amanda is a senior here at Urbana High. She has been involved with the F-Wing since her freshman year within the the choir, drama, and orchestra departments. She has volunteered at the Urbana Senior Center for the past four years teaching the seniors through her watercolor and ukulele classes. When she is not teaching or playing music, she is working on fictional literary works that she plans to one day publish.

Unaligned with most trends, Amanda hopes to provide an alternative edge to The Hawkeye. Through her entries, she plans to further her mission to make every voice heard, no matter how small. Writing what would otherwise go unwritten, she aims to create an honest voice for the Urbana student body.

All content by Amanda Guettler