Henry Ortiz, Reporter
Henry Ortiz is a senior at Urbana High School. The place that is most controversial to high school students, some think it’s the best years of their lives while others think it’s one of the worst years of their lives. But nonetheless we gain experiences that form us into the person we will be in our adult lives. For Henry he is most grateful for the ability to go to such a good school that offers such a great education and for his parents who love him and support him through a lot. One thing he will never forget is his environmental science class with seniors student (senior) Hector Caceres” and student ( also senior) “Peyton Winpigler” in which got into a verbal fight in the middle of class during classwork on a cloudy day in the spring. Henry says “students jumped into their conversation and even recorded the whole ordeal, it was unexpected and both entertaining.” High school isn’t easy at all, especially as a senior. Ortiz says the most challenging things he has faced as a senior so far is slacking off in class and not paying attention to what he experienced in Algebra 2. Slacking off is something Ortiz faces along with other bad habits in that he has bad time management and goes on his phone too much. Henry says “Sometimes I can be too lazy to do something that needs to be done such as eating, I am scrolling through my phone and don’t wanna get up because I get distracted.” Getting through high school and looking towards the future is something he looks forward to. In 10 years he wants to travel the world to places like Greece and Italy and wants to become an archeologist. His inspiration of who he wants to be? He responds to Indiana Jones who plays a protagonist in the Indiana Jones Franchise. When looking back at everything from his high school years, something that he will remember most is the tremendous support from the people around him, he says “that might sound like a bad answer but it’s the truth, it is what really got me through the hardships.” Going forth in life it is known we will make friends and the thing that Henry values in friendship most is loyalty. Henry goes on to say “loyalty makes someone stay through the good and bad and after everything they will be right by your side. After high school, Henry has gained not only intelligence but life experiences that were crucial to make him who he is as a person.